Meet Our Staff

Senior Pastor
Buddy Robbins
Hi, my name is Pastor Buddy L. Robbins. I am the senior pastor of the Bridge Church of the Carolinas. My wife (Debbie) and I have been married for 38 years and are blessed with two exceptional Children. Timothy, our son, is married to Morgan, and they have two children. Kelly, our daughter, is married to Brandon, and they also have two children. Other than serving God in the ministry and spending time with my family, my hobbies are fishing, bluegrass, and mission work. I am a blessed man and genuinely thankful to be called a child of the King. | Tel: 864-804-8159

Associate Pastor
Brandon Moore
I have a passion for discipleship and seeing people come to know Jesus. I am married to Kelly Moore and have two children.
Guard your heart above all else,
for it determines the course of your life.
Proverbs 4:23 | Tel: 864-630-6615

Youth Leader
Daniel Crabtree
I am proud to call Chesnee my home since 2014 and I'm so thankful that the Lord has brought my family and I here to the Bridge. My wife Lauren is a huge help with our vision for the youth and I couldn't do it without her. God has blessed us with two children who keep us going all the time
God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:8-10

BridgeKids Director
Jenna Turner
I am married to Cody Turner and have three girls. I am the school counselor at Chesnee Elementary School, where I taught for 13 years. My heart and passion is with our kids

Women's Ministry
Kelly Moore
I am married to Brandon and we have two wonderful children. I'm so thankful for The Bridge and the blessing it is to be just a small part of the ministry here at the Bridge. I have a passion to point ladies to Jesus and to grow together in our Christian walk.

Chad Pinker
I am married to Sarah and we have 3 children. My hobbies are cooking, hunting and fishing. The beach is my favorite vacation spot.

Event Coordinator
Morgan Robbins
I am married to Tim Robbins and have two children. I am a 3 year old preschool teacher at Sunshine Preschool. I love planning events and serving our community.

Joyful Voices Children's Chior
Bella Anthony
I enjoy spending time with my loud, crazy, fun family. I also enjoy time at the beach and making a joyful noise to the LORD.
Psalms 145:1